We migrated from the Philippines to Canada as Landed Immigrant status last 2003. My first job was an ACURA CAR sales representative. I worked at that car dealership for 14 months. The manager asked me if I have experience working in Canada, I told him I don't I just migrated, but I will have when you hire me. Then he asked how will you sell cars in Canada? I answered with confidence, I may not have the Canadian experience in selling cars but I know how to SMILE, and for me that is enough to sell cars.
So he hired me and of course as always, the quota was to sell 4 cars, my first month I sold 12 cars. Not bad for new rep eh!
I realized that I have to learn more about living in Canada. Since I am new, I was convinced by a friend we met in Canada named Lourdes Concepcion, to learn financial matters and sponsored my education. Blessed her good heart for being so kind. I’ve learned a lot and follow her instructions. I was promoted right away. But later on, I realized I am not happy doing it, chasing customers who will buy insurance, although the pay were great. I followed my heart and went back to my passion which is the graphic arts and marketing. SO, I had a chance to upgrade my skills and Service Canada sponsored my education. After than I created a digital printing Business I named it Design2Print.
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